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Optimise your Talent Strategy

Assessments are the only effective answer to the talent shortage.

They deliver tangible results on people capabilities and potential matching them to organisations needs.

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Assessments add Value

Research shows that 74% of employers have hired the wrong people in the past.


Research by CareerBuilder indicates that the cost of a bad hire can be up to € 25.000.


Companies that apply assessments in their hiring see;

  • a significantly higher Capability Fit,

  • a lower turn-over of staff and higher retention.

  • and better Performance.

  • Lower hiring costs all over.



Enhance Performance

Assessments deliver better knowledge that in return leads to a better team fit.

Better aligned teams deliver a higher Performance.


Committed and engaged employees;

  • perform 20% better 

  • have 87% less risk to leave the organisation


An open constructive sharing of assessment insights improves your retention success rate.

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Manage Employee Experience

A positive Employee Experience leads to a higher retention.


LinkedIn data shows that 93% of employees would stay if the organisation invested in their development.


  • Increases objectivity and reduces unconscious bias

  • Expands the Talent Pool 

  • Enhances Diversity 

  • Improves the overall Quality of your hiring

Enhance your talent capabilities

In our evolving world of talent shortage organisations must adapt to new challenges. The result is a permanent state of change and a need for innovation.


This requires an in depth understanding of the existing Talent Pool. The Capabilities and Development Potential, the Motivational Needs and the Career Expectations. 


Sustainable success requires businesses to adapt to the expectations of their top Talents.


Assessments provide the required knowledge to build a Talent Strategy that aligns these objectives.


Assessments deliver benefits to

For Organisations
For Employees
Identify & Retain High Potentials
Improve Employee Engagement
Avoid mishires & disrupted teams
Create a better
Talent/Need fit
Create better Performing Teams
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Enhance the Hiring Experience
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Transparent Communication
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Better Work/Life balance
Valuable Constructive Feedback
Insights into Capabilities & Needs

Our Assessment Values

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We promote scientific assessment methodology and adhere to the highest ethical standards.


We believe in an open exchange of Assesment results between all Stakeholders.

User Centric

Our user centric  design  provides an optimal experience to all users

Partnership is continuously building a community of assessors to perform qualitative assessments in their native language. We are establishing partnerships with world leading providers of assessment technology, HR & ATS  technology providers and local,/global networks of Freelance HR consultants.

Want to learn how can enhance your hiring ROI?

Contact us at +32 471 32 26 05 or or book a demo below.

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